Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bits of the week

Don't even ask about this one.

Hope you all had a nice weekend.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers day

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekend Fun: Nature walk

On Sunday we visited The Brook Sanctuary it as such a nice day, the kids had a great time, it was just what I needed.

Supermoon 2012 photography

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Easy, Yummy toasted muesli.

Here is my recipe for the best muesli ever!!!!!. Its super easy to make and you can put in what ever you like, I normally just chuck all the ingredients into the roasting dish and don't really measure, but I will give you some rough guide lines.

What you will need:

Roasting dish
500gms Oats (I use a mixture of the uncut wholegrain oats and "porridge" oats)
1 cup Coconut
1/2 cup chopped  nuts (these are just peanuts)
1/4 cup Sunflower seeds
1/2 cup Almonds
1/4 cup Pumpkin seeds
1/4 cup Sesame seed
1/2 cup Honey
2 large T Peanut butter, or other type of "butter"
1/4 cup Vegetable oil
Brown sugar (optional)
Dried fruit..... cranberry's, raisins, goji berries etc

Again these are all estimate, go by what you like and what you have on hand I  normally like more coconut but we were low.  

---------HOW TO----------

Start by heating oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Pour in oats.
Add all dry ingredients


Add honey, peanut butter and oil to a pot, and melt, it wont take long, just get to a consistency so you can pour.

Pour over oat mixture, its sometimes easier work in with hands to ensure even-ish coverage.

Place in oven, you will need to stir it a few times to get all golden and delicious. Take's about 20 mins depending on your oven

Note: Its best to add the fruit after baking as it goes all dry and chewy.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mother's day D.I.Y gift ideas.

Links to all these lovely D.I.Y's
(I have done my best to ensure links work)

3:Framed verse  (You can write anything you like)
5:Chalkboard mugs (my fave)
9:Tea cup candles (these are so dang cute)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Fun: D.I.Y

It was a lovely Autumn day yesterday, and I wanted to get the kids outside. I had remember seeing this post over at The Magic Onion's and thought...''Now that will keep them busy for a while" haha.

What you will need.
  • An imagination
  • A miniature tree (it will need to be trimmed so it doesn't out-grow the fairy's.
  • Something to plant the garden into (we use an old terracotta pot, but you could use any thing you have on hand)
  • Some soil or potting mix (please read health warning on the bags)
  • Some moss or ready grass.
  • Any other little bits and piece you can find that would make fairy's happy.
Start by preparing your pot or what are using to plant the garden in, in our case it was pulling out weeds :)
Next fill with soil and pack down. We probably should have fill it closer to the top, ah well we know for next time now.
Now plant your tree and other plants if you have any.

Next is to place moss or grass on top of soil, leave a gap if you plan to have a pond.

Then its just matter of adding the final touches, Charlotte had spent ages making a tee pee out of twings for the fairy's to camp in...then along came Lola...the dog , she thought it was something she could eat, silly doggy.

Then its play time.

Hope you enjoy making your garden just as much as we did.

Note: Be sure to water the garden and to trim the tree.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

And a butterfly is born....


Saturday, April 14, 2012

I,ve been busy

Look what I made.....

Friday, April 13, 2012

Backyard camp out..

With it being school holidays, I've tryed to be creative with fun things to do with the sprockets. Since we don't need to be getting up early for school just yet, we decided to have a camp out...and by camp out I mean a fire in the back yard. We toasted marshmallows and sung songs and told was a great night.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

D.I.Y antibacterial home spray

I have been making this spray for over a year now, and I'm loving it! i will never go back to any store brought chemically icky spray again. I thought i would share my amazing recipe.

What you will need:

  • A spray bottle (preferably a new one but if you have one to reuse that's fine just rinse well)
  • Water
  • Lavender oil (antiseptic/anti-fungal)
  • Eucalyptus (anti-bacterial)
  • Orange oil (anti-viral)
 Its easy to make, just fill spray bottle with water...add about 10 drop of each oil...shake...done!

If you have wooden counter tops, you could add a few drops of sweet almond oil or olive oil.

I cant say how much it is per bottle, but it is cheap, i brought all my oils for around $10 each a yearish ago, and I'm only just now getting to the bottom.

Happy natural cleaning


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Monday, March 12, 2012

Breakfast in bed

Sundays are a big day for nothing in our house. Its the one day in the week where there is no lunches to be made, shoes to be found, school drop offs,! on sunday's we make no  plans, no commitment's. we sleep in (more like that half asleep but still aware kinda sleep in)  have cuddles, have some family fun and I normally make a cooked breakfast. This sunday tho my darling bean made ME breakfast in bed...even an espresso coffee (I did get up and help for that) she is such a sweetie...and the muslie was her with all my heart. 
Hope you had a lovely weekend
♥ ♥ ♥