Monday, January 30, 2012

Our evening at the beach.

Last night I took the kids to the beach for one last family evening before the twins go back to kindy.

Emily found this little Pipi and very sweetly said it was her "Tiger Lilly" and she was going to take home and love it and look after this little one.

"Bunny Tails"

Big jumps off the sand dunes

I love the beach.

Till next time xo

Sunday, January 29, 2012


♥My Family

Charlotte Denise 
Born 3/1/05

Emily Katrina
Born 5/4/05

Isaiah Jessie
Also Born 5/4/05

And of course me
Carla Shackleton
Born 7/10/86

Well that's my little family, (yes I have twins).....I had a computer crash recently and lost all my photos so I had to grab these from where I could . (But ain't they a cute bunch)

Love Carla

Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 Goals

So here we are already at the end of January...and I for this year I wanted to do a goal list. It will be a list of things I wish do/achieve in the year...I will constantly be updating and revising and crossing a whole lot off.

  • Stop yelling
  • Walk daily
  • Start a blog
  • Take the kids camping 
  • Make pastry from scratch
  • Get rid off the T.V
  • Reduce our family's rubbish
  • Eat more raw food
  • Play with my children more
  • Read more books
  • See at least one live band each month (take the sprockets)
  • Make ALL of cleaning and beauty products
  • Do Pilate's or yoga class
  • Create something each week
  • Learn to play piano
  • Take the sprockies to the Karamea 
  •  Get a bike
There will be more...just my Mummy brain is a bit sleepy...good night xo