Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 Goals

So here we are already at the end of January...and I for this year I wanted to do a goal list. It will be a list of things I wish do/achieve in the year...I will constantly be updating and revising and crossing a whole lot off.

  • Stop yelling
  • Walk daily
  • Start a blog
  • Take the kids camping 
  • Make pastry from scratch
  • Get rid off the T.V
  • Reduce our family's rubbish
  • Eat more raw food
  • Play with my children more
  • Read more books
  • See at least one live band each month (take the sprockets)
  • Make ALL of cleaning and beauty products
  • Do Pilate's or yoga class
  • Create something each week
  • Learn to play piano
  • Take the sprockies to the Karamea 
  •  Get a bike
There will be more...just my Mummy brain is a bit sleepy...good night xo


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